Camilla School is a signature project of Lions Clubs International Districts District 306 A-1 and 306 A-2 initiated in the year 1981. Over the years the School has rehabilitated over 50 children with special needs and sent them back to their parents. The school provides residential facilities for rehabilitation with a trained staff.
Add more meaning to lives and living of Children with special needs: A caring Heart, a loving touch could make all the difference.
Provide facilities for the rehabilitation of children with special needs.
Empowerment, Collaboration, Commitment, Innovation, Excellence, Environment.
Camilla School is managed and administered by a legally constituted Trust consisting of Trustees appointed by the District 306 A-1 and 306 A-2 Lion Mahendra Amarasuriya as Past International President and PCC Lion Cassian M Fernando as the Founder Trustee are trustees for life. District Governor of the two Districts functions as the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees in rotation every other year.